Our outstanding winning proposition contains three core programs:

Each program within this continuous learning path guarantees fun and high safety and offers great products and services to make it a real differentiator. But also the best possible experience for children. This package ensures the best results in customer loyalty for any operator. In addition to our core programs, we have developed specific marketing, planning, HR and software programs for optimizing your business results.
Baby swimming
Playing with your Baby in the water is great fun. For both Baby and (grand)parent. Babies experience the water in a playful and pleasant way in which the (grand)parent performs exercises with the child in chest-deep water.
Babies & toddlers become familiar with the water in a playful way which has a very positive influence on the development of the child by promoting coordination and motor skills. The cheerful songs, the games and being together with other children and parents make swimming a weekly party. Can you imagine a better way to have your quality time?

Toddler survival
Safety and Fun first! During Toddler Survival young children learn to save themselves in case of a fall in the water. For parents a comforting thought that your child is safe. In a playful way, the skills needed to be self-reliant in the water are taught.
When the child has completed the entire Toddler Survival training, he/she will receive the one and only Toddler Survival Diploma!
This Toddler Survival Diploma consists of 3 practical scenarios. These are recognizable scenarios for children, in which the exercise material matches the children’s experiences. As a result, they have more fun, which makes learning a piece of cake.
Swimming lessons
Our pride for over 25 years now! Best rated for years (so in many cases we have to deal with waiting lists). Our teaching methodology is fully aligned with the way young children learn. Taking into account the learning pace of each child.
With Ezzy’s, children learn to swim at their own pace in order to achieve maximum results. Transparent communication about progress and results is a crucial aspect of the methodology.
In every swimming class we teach in deep water as this leads to the best motor development. Pedagogical insights from kindergarten education are applied which lead to great involvement, well-being and fundamental learning. During the lessons, the small groups (5 or 6 children) are regularly split up and children can work independently with guidance cards and materials.
By working in this way, the effectiveness significantly increases and the exercise material can be more attuned to the individual learning level.